You've been wondering about these questions your entire life. As a child, throughout school, and even into adulthood and old age. Either someone has asked you, you've asked someone else or deep down you've been subconsciously asking yourself. Some find the answers, while others go forever without ever discovering their truth. You won't learn about this in our traditional education system or in mainstream media. These are answers you seek on your own when you are ready and guided towards them. And so you're here now, which means you're someone on your path to discovering your own answers to these big questions: What do you want to do with your life? What do you want to be? Why do we even exist? Who am I? What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of my life? What is my purpose? And what makes me happy? Most of us are left to figure out these philosophical ideas and make sense of the universe within us completely on our own. But don't you think we all deserve to know how to find what is truly meant for us? How we can help create a better world for all? Especially, since many people have already discovered exactly how to do that on their own. Why not you? Why not all of us? Why not now? Join host Bhavika Chauhan as we create an experience that feeds your mind + body + soul + spirit in the space of Health, Wellness, Consciousness, and Evolving Self. Listen in as we explore inner space through self-education, self-awareness, sharing synchronistic stories, interviews with thought leaders, hand out epiphanies, and aha moments to help you personally develop and raise our collective consciousness for a healthier planet. We are all connected, learning, and evolving together towards a better future and this that Vibe the world is starting to feel. We are students learning from the greatest teacher of all: Life. Let's make use of those profound lessons and enjoy the ride. This podcast is an experience that will give you a new appreciation for how beautiful life can truly be. Life is energy, let's vibe!
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
How often do you look up the definition of a word you already know?
How often do you learn new words?
We all know how powerful words can be.
And the definition of a word is the root or exact meaning of that word.
So when you are not being reminded of the definition, you can get disconnected from the words true meaning.
Unfortunately, this is also what has happened to many of us…
When we are not learning or being reminded of who we truly are to our roots, we can get disconnected and lose our own true meaning.
So if you are looking for meaning in your life, it is important to become aware of how you define yourself.
As well as how society defines what it means to be a human being.
And words are a powerful way to express yourself and reconnect with your true meaning in life.
Excited to announce the very first Edition of Words Defined on the It’s A Vibe. Podcast.
This episode shares the definition of my favourite word.
As well as an explanation of what consciousness means using an example to help gain a better understanding.
Hope you enjoy!!!
Thanks for being here, appreciate it :)
Remember, you really are just one epiphany away…
Follow @itsavibemovement on Instagram and Tik Tok for high vibe inspiration!
Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast to keep up the momentum that we are building together!
Monday Mar 08, 2021
#4 | 3 Ways To Learn How To Use The Internet To Get Ahead In Your Life Today
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
This ONE thing has completely changed the world today and continues to do so.
It’s changed the way we live, interact, communicate and so much more.
And that one thing is the.. INTERNET: something that most of us take for granted and use mindlessly almost every day.
But if something has this much power to change the entire planet collectively, wouldn’t you agree that it could also have the power to change an individual? To change you and your life?
In today’s world, it certainly pays to know how to master the skill of using the online world and how to take advantage of this opportunity that exists right at your fingertips.
You do not want to look back on your life and realize that you missed the chance to capitalize on the wonderful world wide web and all the endless possibilities available online.
This podcast episode is designed to help you learn how to get whatever you want through the internet using 3 simple strategies that can change the way you use the internet forever.
I wouldn’t be where I am today without them so please join me as we dive deep into how learning and self-educating online is the new wave of opportunity you won't want to miss out on!
Thanks for being here, appreciate it :)
Remember, you really are just one epiphany away…
Follow @itsavibemovement on Instagram and Tik Tok for high vibe inspiration!
Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast to keep up the momentum that we are building together!
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
How To Get The Best Return On An Investment We've All Made - School.
A big part of who you are was influenced by school, whether you realized it or not. We spend most of our critical development years in school having experiences that shaped the identity we have today.
After all those years, all that time, and hard work, you did A LOT of learning. And it is time to get a return on the big investment you made and discover how to practically use what you learned in school in real life today.
It’s no secret that school does not educate us on a lot of the important values in life - what we learned in school was out of context. Most of our studying was done for a test, an essay, for homework, for the teacher.
When in reality, you learned all of that simply for YOU. For your own life, your own happiness, to better yourself and for your family, loved ones and even the world - not just to get a good grade.
Most people are not using what they learned in school in their daily lives and this podcast will offer you a new perspective that allows you to take what you already know and change your life - just by simply switching your perception of what you learned to focus on creating a better you.
There is a lot to discover about yourself when you look back on your life and connect the dots. Doing this can lead to profound realizations and epiphany moments that create new opportunities in your life that could lead you to somewhere you could have never imagined.
Join Host Bhavika Chauhan as we discover that what you learned is a way to show you who you truly are and what you are meant to be doing with your life.
Thanks for being here, appreciate it!
Remember, you really are just one epiphany away…
Follow @itsavibemovement on Instagram and Tik Tok for high vibe inspiration!
Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast to keep up the momentum that we are building together!
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
How Can You Get Through To Someone And Really Connect?
One of the deepest urges in human nature is the desire to be seen, heard, and understood. To be made felt important and satisfy a craving to be appreciated. We are all striving to be great and I believe we are all more than capable of great things!
So how do I help you believe that? To believe in yourself? To feel appreciated and important? How can I get my message out there so that it truly resonates with you in a way that gives you the confidence to see that you can create the life you’ve always desired?
I knew I had to speak your language to get my point across and that is the intention of the second episode of the It’s A Vibe. Podcast and this movement altogether.
Tune in as I share another crazy synchronistic ‘Universe Story’ that highlights how life works in magical and mysterious ways.
We dive deep into how you can be more present and aware in your life which can lead to a new experience where you can truly feel the change within you.
This episode shares exactly what I mean by 'It’s A Vibe.'
Looking forward to vibin’ with all of you :)
Thanks for being here, appreciate it!
Remember, You Really Are Just One Epiphany Away…
Bhavika Chauhan
Follow @itsavibemovement on Instagram and Tik Tok for High Vibe Inspiration!
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
#1 | The Origin Story: How Your Life Can Change In Just A Moment, Instantly.
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
How Your Life Can Change In Just A Moment, Instantly.
On the very first episode of The It’s A Vibe. Podcast we discuss how to find your own answers to life’s big questions. The ones we’ve been asked our whole lives and the ones we ask ourselves in our heads.
How does anyone ever discover what they are meant to do with their lives? What is something that you would love to do every day that makes you feel like you are making a difference? What makes you happy? How do people find what gives them meaning or purpose in their lives? And how do they overcome anything that is in their way to their dreams?
Host, Bhavika Chauhan shares her Origin Story on how one big epiphany moment changed her life in an INSTANT and helped her find answers to all of these questions.
She also dives into how she knows that anyone and everyone can have their own epiphany moment when you know what to look for and where to look.
These answers are meant to be discovered by you and that is the adventure life takes us on. And when you know, you know because when you find it, it feels like pure magic!
Join us as we start the beginning of a new experience in helping the world connect our consciousness and elevate our vibes!
You will feel like a new person with a new appreciation for what life has to offer after hearing how you can feel more confident, connected, self-aware, present, and discover the real YOU!
Bhavika shares the intention of the It’s A Vibe. Movement and why you are going to want to be a part of this movement as we make waves in this world!
It is only the very beginning and the best is yet to come!
Looking forward to vibin’ with all of you :)
Thanks for being here, appreciate it!
Remember, you really are just one epiphany away…
Follow @itsavibemovement on Instagram and Tik Tok for high vibe inspiration!
Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast to keep up the momentum that we are building together!